• Financial Wellbeing in the Workplace

    " 77% of employees admitted that money worries have affected their performance at work and poor performance and 18 million working days being lost because of financial stress.”

    I lead Financial Wellbeing in the Workplace programmes for employees at every stage of their career.


    My programmes deliver effective and transformational financial wellbeing to employees via on-site and remote workshops.


    The Money Matters Financial Wellbeing in the Workplace programme is:

    • Simple to implement
    • Tailored to your employees' needs and interests
    • Cost effective
    broken image

    What do people say about it.

    Take a look at feedback from people who've participated in the programme!


    I asked “What did you like most about the workshop?”


    “All of it”

    “I felt reassured about problems I was previously worried by”

    “It was really personal, covered so much, insightful and positive”

    “Lots of handy tips, open and honest discussions”

    “See different aspects of money not just how to save, think about my personal goals and mindset”

    “Approachability of speaker. Clarity, unmystifying money”.

    Also a Link to my blog on Financial wellbeing in workplace


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