• Work with me

    My Mission is to enable hard working, high achievers take control of their finances. When you are in control of your finances, you feel confident. You take more risks in your career and leave situations and people who are not serving you. You feel safe. You have options.

  • Personal Programmes

    "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" -

    Chinese proverb


    There are 4 ways you can work with me. Whichever way you choose the goal is always to equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to take control of your money and your financial wellbeing.

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    Coaching & Mentoring

    "Who, exactly, seeks out a coach? ....Winners who want even more out of life." Chicago Tribune

    Top sportsmen, actors and singers employ coaches to reach their personal best. You might use a personal trainer to achieve the best body you can, one on one financial coaching will help you achieve financial success.


    Each financial coaching session provides you with a confidential forum to focus entirely on your financial agenda.


    What makes it unique is you will not only get the tools to bridge the gap between what you desire into producing results, but we will also focus on your thinking and your habits that will convert all your knowledge into action and help you achieve tangible results.


    The goal is to empower you with the skills and the personal awareness to achieve financial wellbeing now and for the rest of your life.


    Contact me to learn about specific packages

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    Self-paced Courses

    Your speed doesn't matter - forward is forward!



    If you prefer to move at your own pace and you know the subject that you need help with, then a self paced course could be ideal for you.


    You can always add the option to have email support for a limited period of time.


    Pease contact me for full details



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    Group Coaching

    If you don't want the intensity of individual coaching, group coaching can still give you the accountability and support to achieve financial success.


    As part of a group you will learn from your peers and benefit from their support as you all work towards a shared goal.


    You will realise that your problems are not as unique as you thought which in itself can give you confidence to move forward.


    You can choose the specific course that is holding you back from success.


    Contact me to learn more about my courses




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    Money Matters Club

    If you want continuing support and accountability to help you reach your financial goals, join the Money Matters Club.


    Become part of a private community of like minded women who want to improve their relationship with money from the inside out, get better at managing their money and live they life they want.


    Join our waitlist to be the first to know when we open the doors for the next intake.


    I am hugely passionate that getting better with money means more than budgeting or spreadsheets; it's not only about having a positive mental attitude and asking the Universe to provide and it's not having a vague idea of setting some goals from time to time. Working on your money management skills, your goals and your mindset will empower you to change your finances for today and the future. Taking control of your money and your financial wellbeing creates the space to take control of the rest of your life.