“We’re all in this together”. How many times has that been said over the last few weeks?
It is true but it’s also apparent that some of us are more in this than others. The NHS staff and carers working on the frontline keeping us safe, the shop workers keeping us fed and all the other public service workers, delivery drivers, refuse collectors and unsung heroes are doing more than their bit and for that we thank them.
Some are suffering more financially than others and have seen their businesses and jobs disappear overnight through no fault of their own and we hope the help offered by the Government will be sufficient to help them weather the storm.
For the rest of us, we are in it together, but all we have to do is stay at home. We are the lucky ones. Yes, staying at home is a challenge and it takes a bit of getting used to but for most of us our homes are safe and a refuge from what is happening out there, and although it might not feel like it at times, we are the lucky ones.
None of us know what will happen tomorrow but we never did. What we do know is that this crisis will pass and when it does the world will be a different place. The only gift the current situation is giving us is time. We cannot control much just now, but we can control how we use this time and that will determine the results we will produce when this is over.
The events of the last few weeks have shown the importance of making financial wellbeing your priority. So, use this time to take charge of your financial life. How often have you thought you would like to feel in more control of your finances, if only you had the time?
In our lives before lockdown there was always something else to do, someone else to help but if you want to live a life free from the burden of worrying about money with clear financial goals and a plan, it will never be easier to start working on that, than now. If you want to understand why you haven’t been as financially successful as you could have been, despite working hard, it will never be easier than now to work on your attitude and emotional relationship with money. You have nothing to lose, but time, and everything to gain.
(c) Lorraine McFall, 2020